We provide Synergistic branding & communication solutions.

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          Synergistic Brand eXperience Solution
          Blending insights with creativity to drive brand growth The SUM we think of is synergy beyond just the integration of branding solutions. Our mission is to break down old, outdated communication strategies and provide an innovative consumer experience-based solutions that build on the synergy of all brand elements.
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          Touch Point Orchestra
          Maximizing every touchpoint with brand customer As touchpoints in the customer’s journey become increasingly important for building brand loyalty, it is necessary to focus on each part of the customer’s experience, from pre-purchase to post purchase. We offer solutions that equip the brand organization with a uniform voice, messaging and experience strategy that should be woven into every consumer touchpoint.
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          Research & Strategy Consulting
          Combining in-depth market analysis and creative thinking SUM Lab, operated by SUM Korea, adopts various methodologies and work with clients to create a program of research that suits each industry and client’s needs (i.e., GLSITM, EDNTM, DOOH Creative Guideline, etc.) With a seamless connection of different research disciplines, we bring brand and design innovation to life in all ways, across all channels.